Grading for Football Season 2025

Important Update – Grading Policy and Team Information in 2025

Pittwater RSL FC has recently conducted analysis and review of our Grading Policy

You can read more about these changes and how grading is conducted in our Grading Policy document available here.

If you have any questions or feedback regarding the grading process we strongly encourage you to reach out to your Age Coordinator or the Grading Coordinator prior to the commencement of grading. You can find a full list of club contacts here.

Pittwater RSL FC recognises that everyone wants to play football in a safe, fair, inclusive and enjoyable environment. For some players this means playing football at the highest level possible, for others it means being in a team with players of a similar ability and for others it means playing football with a group of friends.

Mixed Under 6, Mixed Under 7 and Women’s Under 8 – Pittwater RSL FC’s focus is making up teams principally of school groups and friendship groups. As such there is no grading for these age groups

Performance Stream – Must Grade (Mixed U8-U10 & Women’s U9-U10)

Players selected for this stream will be required to demonstrate a high level of ability in all 4 core skills and game performance. More than 1 team could be created in this stream dependant on the number of players meeting the required standards. These will not be an “A” & “B” team, just 2 equal teams in the same division. Highly Experienced and/or FFA Accredited Coaches will be selected to coach teams in this stream where possible.

Development Stream – Must Grade (Mixed U8-U10 & Women’s U9-U10)

Players who do not meet the required level of ability for Performance stream but demonstrate a good ability in the 4 core skills and game performance will be allocated to a team in Development stream with players of similar ability. Focus for this stream will be on developing and improving those skills.

Coaches for these teams will need to attend or have previously attended the MWFA Skill Training & Game Training Certificates Courses. These courses are designed to up-skill coaches of age groups U8 to U13 (Skill Training) and 14+ (Game Training).

The courses are conducted over 14 hours and are fully practical. Skill Training deals with the development of the 4 Functional Game Skills: First Touch, Striking the Ball, Running with the Ball and 1 v 1. Game Training provides the coach with training sessions designed to help the players apply the Functional Game Skills in a team setting using the FFA endorsed 1-4-3-3 formation. Coaches will also learn about session planning, organisation, coaching methodology, as well as match day coaching.

Social Stream (Mixed U8-U10 & Women’s U9-U10)

Players who wish to be grouped with friends and those not selected for Performance or Development stream, will be allocated to a team in Social Stream. The main focus here is team development and fun. Coaches for these teams will be encouraged to attend free MWFA run coaching courses to ensure players are receiving the development they require.

* Blue Division will be considered for teams in special circumstances where the team was re-graded by MWFA and moved up from Green Division in previous season or has performed strongly in Blue Division in previous season.


The initial grading sessions will be conducted over two sessions in February, with a further Final Movement session, if required, and subject to field allocation from Northern Beaches Council. Notification of these dates and times for each age group will be listed on the Pittwater RSL FC website and communicated via email to all registered players.

Please note that there are limited dates/times that we are able to conduct grading as field allocation remains priority with summer sports until after the MWFA deadline for team submissions. Unfortunately, this may mean that grading clashes with other summer sports and we appreciate your understanding in these circumstances.